TradeEZ Membership
Choose from Mentorship Programs, Livestreams & Trading Tools
Everything we offer is designed to help you become a consistently profitable trader
Our Mentorship Programs
$125 p/m
Be educated and mentored live by Industry Professionals
Our mentorship programs include:
Intraday Live Streams
Educational Video Course Content
Live Group Coaching Sessions
SK Chart Overlay Access
24/7 Access to our Discord Community of authentic traders
Live Customer Support

Stephen Kalayjian Method
With over 39 years of experience in the industry trading stocks, options, futures, and currencies, having begun his career at the American Stock Exchange. Stephen has worked on 4 different exchanges and was a member of the New York Stock exchange. He has traded nearly two billion shares of US stocks in his career, with an impeccable track record and has advised some of the largest hedge funds in the US. He has been featured in multiple financial news platforms including Fox Business, CNBC, Forbes, WSJ, Fortune among others. Stephen is highly respected as one of the leading Day Traders in the world.
$125 monthly subscription
Choose from our Individual plans
Choose a single product plan
Please note that our single product plans do not come with mentorship.

SK Chart Overlay
Get access to Stephen Kalayjian's game changing Indicators in partnership with TradeStation, TradingView, Sigma360 or NinjaTrader. Please note that additional fees for Market Data will apply on the platform you choose to access your SK Chart Overlay on. If you are not familiar with the SK Chart overlay, please sign up for our Mentorship Plan @ $125 p/m, until you are consistently profitable using Steve's methods and overlay. As our single product plans do not come with education, we do not recommend signing up for the SK Chart overlay if you are a beginner as you will require education and mentorship from Stephen.
$50 per month

SK Live Stream
Join Stephen Kalayjian LIVE Monday - Friday from 9am to 4pm est. Listen to Stephen's insights on Market Direction during the Intraday market. Our SK Livestream is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices so you can access it on the go. These are the main symbols Steve watches & gives Market Direction on throughout Intraday: AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, TSLA, BA, GS, AMD, MU, NVDA, NFLX, META, ROKU, SQ, PQ, ETFS, SPY, DIA, QQQ, IWN, SQQQ, SDS, TZA, GLD, TLT, USO. INDEX FUTURES; S&P, NASDAQ, RUSSEL,DOW, 30 YR BONDS, GOLD FUTURES, OIL FUTURES. CURRENCIES: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUBUSD, EURJPY, AUDJPY, USDJPY. Please note this plan does not give you access to Stephen's overlay.
$50 per month

SMA Trading Tool
SMA started in 2010 with Stanford Tokenization and moved to building their our own Machine Learning Natural Language Processing platform. SMA uses a multi-pass phrase evaluation approach combining techniques like stemming and lemmatization. SMA uses both supervised and unsupervised machine learning. SMA has built Financial Sentiment Lexicon by asset class. Dictionaries include Filings, Brand, ESG, Equities, Energy, Fixed Income, and Agriculture. With Top & Bottom Sentiment, Short Squeeze Sentiment, Earnings Watcher & Security Lookup, plus weekly video education and insights from the SMA Team.
$49 per month
The information presented on the TradeEZ website is solely for informational and educational purposes. It is not, nor is it intended to be, trading or investment advice or a recommendation that the securities, strategies, and trading methodologies described by TradeEZ are suitable for any particular investor. Furthermore, the information and opinions presented by TradeEZ are not an attempt by TradeEZ to induce any particular trading behavior, investment, or strategy. TradeEZ is not a broker dealer, and its representatives are not securities brokers, licensed financial advisors, or registered investment advisors. Trading securities including equities, options, and futures involves risk of the loss which can be substantial. Results of transactions described on the TradeEZ website, and any presentation therein, may vary due to differences in market conditions, execution prices, the time of trade executions, fees for brokerage services, and other factors. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The information and any opinions contained on the Website have been obtained from sources that TradeEZ considers reliable, but TradeEZ does not represent that such information and opinions are accurate or complete, and thus should not be relied upon as such.
Last Updated: March 14, 2024